Fallston Group

What Were the Results of Your Crisis Analysis? Is Your Company Exposed?

Warren Buffett says, “It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Most leaders do an excellent job of leading the organizations for which they’re responsible. However, while they’re focused on developing vision, motivating people and driving results, there are many issues which routinely threaten their people, assets and brands. And, a disruption in business continuity can result in a loss of brand integrity, a diminished personal reputation, an undermining of stakeholder confidence, a reduction in profitability and in the most serious of cases, loss of life. The Fallston Group helps leaders prepare for, navigate through and recover from issues of adversity or crisis. Crises Defined Crises cause instability, confusion and danger; they unexpectedly yield themselves in many forms. The generally accepted categories of crisis include natural disaster, technological (IT, industrial accident), confrontation (picketing, ultimatums), malevolence (murder, kidnapping), organizational misdeeds (misconduct), workplace violence and unique business occurrences (negative press, employee relations issues, lawsuits). Crisis Leadership The strengths and shortcomings of leaders are perhaps never more magnified than during times of adversity. And, the ability to lead with integrity and communicate effectively to all stakeholders couldn’t be more important than when others are depending on timely leadership guidance to spur organizational resiliency. And, if not handled appropriately, these issues may cost millions of dollars and a multitude of careers. The key to surviving is found in preparation, pace and organized response based on fact so confidence and continuity is restored quickly. Our mantra – “If you don’t tell your story, someone else will. And, when someone else tells your story, it won’t be the story you want told” is true. Communicating effectively can dramatically reduce the compounding, crippling effects of an adverse circumstance. Facing the onslaught of probing questions from the media and all concerned stakeholders during the most difficult of times can be daunting. It is imperative to strengthen and effectively deliver core messages, identify critical distribution channels and quickly shape stakeholder opinion in the sudden face of scrutiny or chaos. What Now… Immediately perform a crisis audit to determine exposure points. Once learned, prioritize, plan for and train against the risk. Whether audit, policy, training, crisis management, communications, media, human resiliency or business recovery services are needed, we stand ready to respond. Planning is power; turn adversity into advantage with the Fallston Group.

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