Fallston Group

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

6 Communication Tactics for 2015

Like anything else, public relations and marketing communication tactics change with time, and it is important to incorporate fresh and innovative approaches when developing communication strategies in the New Year. The key to attaining media exposure is more than simply sending a press release, and communicating your brand effectively is more than just telling your story. Leave last year’s strategies in the rear view mirror, and ramp up your efforts in 2015 to enhance both brand and organizational awareness through strategic public relations and marketing communication tactics. 1. Be newsworthy, but be selective.  As an organization, it is easy to categorize all internal happenings as newsworthy stories. The fact of the matter is, they may not be in the scheme of all other circulating news. Take the time to distinguish between what is news, and what is not. Be selective, and make sure reporters are chomping at the bit when you toss a line into the modern day media pool. 2. Multimedia trumps all. People do not want to read, they want to SEE (and occasionally listen). Implement video into your public relations and marketing strategy as much as possible (e.g., video news releases, website, blog, social media, presentations). Keep clips video short, 30-90 seconds, and make sure the “hook” comes within the first ten. Unfortunately, written content is dated, so remember – video, video, video! 3. Avoid fluff, and stay on point. Whether writing a blog, social media post or press release, get to the point, and stay on point throughout the communication vehicle. Fluff is unnecessary and can easily lose the attention of your audience, as well as decrease your credibility, especially with the media. Cut to the chase and stay on topic. 4. Be community oriented. Staying active in your community is not only a great gesture, but one of the most underrated public relations and marketing tactics out there. Give back, partner with, and actively engage with other organizations within your neighborhood. This will strengthen your overall community relationship, which in turn, will strengthen your brand, giving you good news to share on a variety of platforms. 5. Monitor your following. It is important to know where your audience comes from. Using SEO, Google Analytics, and other metrics to measure and monitor the acquisition of your following will keep your company ahead of the game and knowing where to cast more lines. Do not just interact with your current audience, get to know your potential audience and learn where they consume their news. 6. Less is more on social media. Companies often feel pressed to post as frequently as possible to stay relevant. 2014 showed that less content, yet intriguing content, is in fact more impactful to your audience. Posting less meaningful content several times per day diminishes your credibility, and will lead to readers skimming, skipping, and eventually unsubscribing from your updates as soon as they see your logo on their news feed. We wish you a successful and prosperous 2015! For more information on public relations and marketing communication strategies, do not hesitate to contact Fallston Group by phone at 410.420.2001 or by email at info@fallstongroup.com.

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