Giving Thanks – The Business Way

Giving thanks and showing appreciation toward others is the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Whether it be with friends, family or complete strangers, it is important for people to show gratitude toward others that have had a positive influence in their life, the same goes for the business world. One of the most important tactics companies can take is giving thanks, being grateful for and appreciating their customer and stakeholder bases. While many look forward to a short work week and a relaxing holiday, it shows a sense of professionalism to give credit to those who have helped support your business along the way. Who The first step in showing appreciation as a business is determining who exactly to thank. The list may be long, so start in-house and show gratitude toward your employees. Without dedication and hard work from your team, a successful business is not possible. Current customers and clients are next on the list. Showing the people who put their trust in your company that you genuinely care is a huge reputation builder. Be sure that not everyone they do business with will be reaching out to them this time of year, and even more sure that they will remember you for doing so. Next is past customers and clients. Even though your company may not be currently engaged in business with former clients, it is still important to remember them for work that was done in the past. This shows that they were not just a forgotten “job” or “money-maker,” but a relationship your business gained and greatly appreciates. Colleagues are also deserving of a thank you, as they may have played a crucial part in the success of your business. Although you may not have done business directly with every colleague who has helped you, some may have acted as stepping stones to success during your company’s growth. Remembering these individuals or groups will exhibit that their help was admired, not forgotten. Lastly, reach out to other local business, whether it be restaurants, offices or even mom and pop shops. These businesses find comfort in knowing that they have the support of other local companies, and vice versa. Companies in the same community can help each other succeed in a variety of ways, and it is important to build these relationships. How After determining who to thank, you’re probably wondering how or what to thank them with. Your employees are deserving of a small token of appreciation, be it a gift or a custom gift card. Something more than just a “thank you” seems fitting for the people who directly impact the success of your business. This will be greatly appreciated, but not expected. And, in turn, makes employees want to work for your company. A small gift is also appropriate for current customers and clients. Nothing fancy; even a pen with your company’s logo will do. Reaching out to the customer base that fuels your business’ income is always appreciated. Past customers, colleagues and local businesses can be thanked with a card or picture of your company’s team with a written greeting, or even a simple email or post on their social media sites. This will remind them that your company cares, and remembers its past, present or even potential future relationships during this time of year. While it may not be expected, thanking the people who have impacted your business goes a long way. Not only does it keep the people you do business with relevant to your company, it can spark future relationships as your reputation builds. Keep this in mind as a business owner, and have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. Image by