Take the Mystery Out of Twitter – 6 Tips to Give You the Digital Edge

By Andrea Lynn, Marketing Communications Manager Are you using social media to your advantage? One of the most common areas of confusion I see in the professional online community is Twitter. Under-utilized and often overlooked due to lack of understanding, Twitter is one of the easiest ways to increase your company’s community and media awareness. Here are 6 tips to give you an edge: Know the language. Don’t be confused by basic Twitter terminology – to “tweet” is simply to send out your message (in 140 characters or less). This platform encourages shorthand and slang; the key is to be quick and concise, not worry about complete sentences! How easy is that? Know where you’re @. If you’re tweeting about a particular product or company, or want your message to reach a specific person, be sure to use the “@” symbol followed by your message target’s Twitter handle (aka their username). This can also help expose your brand to a new market. Make friends with hashtags. It’s also important to understand hashtags, which are often misused. By putting the “#” symbol in front of a word, you are making it a searchable keyword. Your Twitter homepage will show you the current trending keywords on the left-hand side of your screen. Using these trending hashtags, if relevant to your message, is a great way to increase your overall tweet’s visibility. You can also create your own to start using on a regular basis. Follow your intuition. Ready to start using your new or stagnant account? The next step is to target which users to follow on Twitter. General best practice is to follow other companies in your industry, as well as any business in your target demographic for customers. (Extra hint: if you are looking for ideas for who to follow, go to your competitors’ profiles and follow relevant accounts!) Don’t forget the media. Additionally, be sure to follow reporters who work at news channels where you would like to pitch stories! Gone are the days of slow news and assignment desks waiting for breaking news via a phone call. News today is 24/7, and Twitter is one of the main platforms used by the media to track trending news. After you’ve followed reporters on Twitter, get to know them. A reporter is more likely to respond to a pitch tied to their “beat” – that is, the type of news they cover. By interacting with local, national and even international news outlets regularly on Twitter, you have the opportunity to gather intelligence, build relationships and become a trusted resource for relevant news. Make your brand shine. Finally, keep in mind that Twitter, like any other social media channel, is a reflection of YOUR brand, whether you’re tweeting from a company or personal page. Keep your messaging and visuals consistent, and make certain your profile is up-to-date and links back to your website. Tweet me at @AndreaLynnFG to share your news! And if you need help, not to worry – feel free to give me a call at Fallston Group at 410-420-2001 or email andrea.lynn@fallstongroup.com. #Tweetwithconfidence #demystifyingTwitter