Fallston Group

An Amazing Internship Experience

Josh Z

By Josh Z. Earlier this year, I walked into my first day at the Fallston Group not knowing what to expect from a new internship. I ended my experience with many important takeaways and now realize what I will sadly leave behind. The Fallston Group team has taught me many lessons. I have learned a variety of innovative marketing tips and PR strategies that I can, of course, apply to any future job that I am fortunate enough to attain. However, the most important (and unexpected) lesson I have learned is how to be resilient and live through adversity – not just survive, but thrive. I can now apply this to any future job that I may hold, but, more importantly, can now embrace this concept in everyday life. I think that even though it was crucial for me to take specific business lessons from this internship, having the grit and fighting through adversity is my biggest takeaway from this amazing team. As Mark Twain said, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” Working with this group (and its client base) showed me to never give up no matter the circumstance and that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, you must simply leverage your instinct, experience and network to find it! Everyone in the office was welcoming and has had a tremendous impact on my time at Fallston Group, but I would say that the core executive leadership team has taught me the most important lessons that I will apply to my future career. As a rising Senior at Loyola University of Maryland with a double major in finance and marketing, my goal is to become a top executive of a company. The executives, both directly and indirectly, took their valuable time to teach me everything about becoming a professional and brand ambassador to everyone I interact with.  I have learned firsthand that actions certainly do speak louder than words, and I will try to take-away everything this talented team has taught me. Hopefully, one day, I become a high-level executive. Interestingly, I can hear it now…I used the word “hopefully” when referring to my dream…the Fallston Group team would demand I use the word “when!” As I depart, I cannot stress enough how professional and great they are at what they do. I will miss them dearly and I wish them the best of luck with all their future endeavors. If you ever want an outstanding professional internship experience, I’d highly recommend the Fallston Group. I know it’s competitive and demanding, but this time has been invaluable to my academic and professional development. Thank you.

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