The Current 5 Crises to Prep for…?

Each year, the Institute for Crisis Management publishes The ICM Annual Crisis Report – a valuable tool compiling annual news, crises analysis and trends, industry assessment and lessons on crisis prevention. The 2018 data, released this year, included five noteworthy crisis categories; some indicate a growing area of concern. If your company isn’t prepared for these types of crises, we encourage you to take note and, more importantly, take action! Mismanagement. As is most often the case, mismanagement once again topped the list as the most frequently reported crisis. With smoldering crises accounting for 65% of the incidents ICM analyzed, this tells us that leadership is aware of potential issues (or the cause of them!)…but are not adequately addressing leadership issues in a timely fashion. Cyber. Cybercrime news increased by 65% over 2017 – yet another reminder to ensure you have the proper cyber policies in place…and, consider investing in cyber insurance! Sexual Harassment. This past year, #metoo and #timesup dominated headlines. Therefore, it’s no surprise to see sexual harassment and assault incidents increaseing to nearly 10% of all crisis news. Are YOUR company’s employees protected from predators? Executive Dismissals. While still a comparatively small category, 2018 saw the most executive dismissals in the past decade. Widely-known executives who stepped down for inappropriate behavior include Papa John’s founder John Schnatter and Intel CEO Brian Krzanich; those fired for sexual misconduct include CBS’ Les Moonves and Disney’s chief creative officer John Lassiter. Labor Disputes. 2018 was “the biggest year for worker protest in decades” due to teacher strikes across the U.S. Internationally, Brazil experienced a trucker strike that impacted shipments of $1.2 billion, and western European travel experienced a significant disruption due to French rail workers walking off the job. While the digital age makes it possible for crisis to strike within seconds, ICM also reports the number of organizations with a crisis management/crisis communications plan is only at 50% worldwide. Believe us, anyone with a smart phone can wreak havoc on your brand! As you’ll often hear us say, it’s not “if” crisis will strike – it’s “when.” Learn more about our Crisis & Issue Leadership services or contact us today.