Using Digital Tools to Deepen Relationships During COVID-19

It’s safe to say COVID-19 has swept through our world and changed life as we know it. I think we are unified in hoping and praying this crisis will be resolved as quickly as it began. But the brutal reality is that none of us really know for sure how long this will last, and what the end result will truly be, particularly regarding the impact on our businesses. Here’s the thing … many businesses are closed. Some are still operating, but under circumstances that are far from normal. Business owners near and far are doing anything and everything they can to keep the companies they have worked so hard to build afloat, despite all of the uncertainty that is filling our worlds and that undoubtedly lies ahead. While we may not be launching as many new projects or generating as many new sales as would be the case in “ordinary times,” we CAN keep the names of our businesses, and the value each offers front and center – think of it this way – wake up each morning and think of what you can give versus what you can get. To that end, use your digital tools now, and in ways you’ve never considered or implemented, before. Today, the Fallston Group is sharing five tips on how you can use your digital tools to your advantage, in the midst of crisis – be it COVID-19 or other situations that impact your normal business operations. Take a good hard look at your website. Now would be a perfect time to make those updates, changes, and enhancements you have been thinking about for a while, but just haven’t been able to carve out the time for. Giving your page a refresh is always positive for your business and could be especially beneficial right now. Add meaningful content to your website. If you don’t have business news or changes to report often, that is okay. Now is an optimal time to reach out to your loyal customers and clients for a conversation about why they partner with you or support your business. Build out a few client profiles or testimonial stories that you can add to your site. It will not only create fresh, new content for your web site, but it will also inspire others out there to tap into your products and services, now or later. Remember, it’s about relationships, not returns. Consider adding a blog. Open a door to share your thoughts and perspective on business matters or even the impact COVID-19 is having on your business – authenticity is key. You can post several times per week, once per month, or whatever frequency feels right; the point is that your blog will give you a platform to share your voice while creating a series of touchpoints with your customers and clients. It’s therapeutic also! Be social the only way you really can – electronically. We have all come to know the term “social distancing” and I think it’s safe to say most of us can’t wait to put this way of life behind us. Think of it this way – physical distancing, not social distancing…do not isolate. You can still be social, electronically! Don’t have social media pages? Consider creating and launching them, and beginning the process of sharing them to build a base of fans and followers. If you already have active social media pages, start putting some thought into how you can post useful or inspirational content, or messages that will position your business well now or as we all begin putting COVID-19 behind us in the future. Your social media pages also create opportunities for touchpoints with your customers and clients, so use them, and use them well. Invest in long-term, authentic relationships with meaningful content. Think strategically about social content. To follow the tip above, don’t forget that you do need to think strategically about WHAT to post on your social media pages. Now is a good time to consider linking to relevant, informative articles. Photos with strong captions make sense and tend to catch people’s eye quickly as they scroll through their newsfeeds. You can talk ever so lightly about your programs and services, but be sure to tie those messages back to how or why they are helping or impacting your customers and clients. If you do develop client profiles or testimonial stories (per tip #2), share them on your social platforms in addition to on your website. You can also use social media to demonstrate support for other businesses you care about. Share posts from others that you feel your friends and fans may be interested in seeing. Remember to focus on what you can give within the spirit of abundance. As a firm that specializes in crisis leadership during times of adversity and crisis, the Fallston Group is here to support you as the world continues to manage this global health pandemic. It is a trying and challenging time for all. Let’s support one another and stick together, even if it’s only electronically until we get through this. Stay safe, friends.