Fallston Group

Getting Command of the Facts During Criss

Fallston Group | Getting Command of the Facts During Crisis

By Rob Weinhold, Fallston Group Chief Executive You may have heard me say in the course of our discussions on past occasions: during times of crisis, we must first get command of the facts. In my opinion, that statement rings especially true right now. It’s safe to say we are all in “information overload mode,” as the COVID-19 story continues to evolve and be told in a hundred (or more) different ways. Differentiating between what is true, what is partially true, what is false, and what is an opinion presented as a fact, can become seriously challenging. Credit is due to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and his team for their attempt to set the facts straight once and for all, and educate the public to the best of their ability. In case you haven’t already seen it, the State has launched a new page on its web site focused on “Rumor Control.” Here is the link. It gives Marylanders a source for the truth, outlining government orders, organized by category, to provide clarity and minimize confusion. There is also a button on the right-hand side of the page that asks viewers to “submit a rumor.” If you are questioning if something you are hearing is true, the government wants to hear about it and is committing to addressing it. That’s what I call good leadership. I also believe it’s a model we can all learn from. Let me be clear, this is not a politically-based comment, rather a sound leadership observation. This pandemic should never be about politics, rather public health. Saving lives matter and we all play a part.  What kinds of similar open communication forums could you implement within your own businesses to keep your people accurately informed? I encourage you to think of tools that will help today, not just in the midst of this global health pandemic, but those that will also be applicable once this is all over. Need help brainstorming ideas or coming up with a strategy for open internal communications? Reach out to your friends at the Fallston Group. That is what we are here for.

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