Ready, Set, Reposition

Conversations are starting to take place about how we begin to slowly and gradually re-open America, the State of Maryland, and the communities that we live in and call our own. As expected, the court of public opinion on this decision is all over the board, with some feeling like it’s simply too early to begin this process, and others standing firm that the right thing to do is establish normalcy, now. Regardless of where you stand within the spectrum of opinions, and regardless of the exact timing by which the re-opening process will occur, as a business owner or manager, you’ve got some critical thinking to do. People have been changed by COVID-19. Their perceptions, priorities, decision-making processes, and needs will not be the same once they can venture out of their homes and start putting the pieces of their lives back together, one step at a time. They will be desperate to get back to their normal, standard, every-day routines, but they will also face new limitations and challenges. The best thing you can do to help your business thrive as this transition occurs is to think about how to reposition. This doesn’t necessarily mean changing your core products and services. It might mean considering new ways to position, promote, and deliver them. How will your business fill a need or void that your loyal and potential clients and customers have, and will have, as we move forward? What can you say or do differently, that will resonate in a meaningful way? And remember, what was meaningful in November 2019 might be different from what is meaningful now or will be in July 2020. Here is a suggested exercise that might be helpful. Take out a few sheets of paper and jot down some thoughts and notes about each of your clients, one at a time. Some things to consider … If your client is an individual consumer: How have they been impacted by COVID-19? How has their family been affected? How did they spend their time during quarantine? What is special to them, that has perhaps but put on “pause” as a result of the pandemic? What will their most immediate needs be, as the re-opening process begins? What will their needs be a few months down the road, after re-opening occurs? How can YOU support them or help them? If your client is a business owner or manager: How might their business have been impacted as a result of COVID-19? How was their staff / team affected? How might their customers have been impacted? Could/should/will their core product and service offerings change? What are some things this company should consider doing to reposition? Do they or will they face any supply chain issues that can impact their operations? How can YOU support them or help them? These notes will likely be helpful in guiding your conversation with your clients, as we all work together to reposition. It certainly will not be an easy process, but I believe it will be a worthwhile one.