The Public Face of Crisis

By Rob Weinhold; as originally published in Sheriff & Deputy Magazine When a crisis engulfs your office, you will appear in front of a bank of microphones, and—with white-hot TV lights glaring and cameras rolling—stare out into a sea of skeptical media faces and attempt to deliver a timely, coherent response on behalf of your organization. And with each community meeting, speech, or media interview, you will either make a small deposit into, or a heavy withdrawal from, your reputational “piggy bank”—whose balance you hope never reaches zero. I have learned from many incredible communicators who perform spectacularly under duress. It is an art, not a science. As with wine, one gets better with age; there is no substitute for experience. The best communicators I know are obsessive about every syllable they utter, every piece of clothing they wear, and every message point they deliver. They call each reporter back, treat them fairly, and never compromise their integrity; they understand what reporters need and make themselves relevant to those who have editorial control. The best communicators also learn how to steer clear of organiza- tional jargon, are detail-oriented, and deliver news compassionately in a conversational manner that connects with those who consume their words emotionally. They are analytical, well-timed, and process loads of information almost instantaneously. And they are never too high or too low; they have a steady hand under pressure, no matter the gravity of the situation or the tightness of the deadline. In the event they run into an aggressive reporter, they can manage the situation with the grace and humility of a 10th-level verbal judo artist. If they had the God-given talent to perform on the gridiron, they’d run two-minute drills with the game on the line. And like Peyton Manning, the best are prepared, informed, and always find a way to hone their craft. You want them on your team, because they understand the big picture and see the whole room. It’s what they do best. Read more in Rob Weinhold’s recent article published in Sheriff & Deputy Magazine via the National Sheriff’s Association, and learn more about Fallston Group’s crisis & issue leadership services, including media training workshops, to help prepare your business.
Miracles Can Happen

By Rob Weinhold; as originally published in Sheriff & Deputy Magazine A deputy spots a man walking erratically down a city sidewalk, yelling at passersby and getting dangerously close to some of their faces. As she approaches the man to ask him to stop bothering others, he gets louder and angrier. It’s clear that he perceives the deputy as a threat. How this encounter ends depends on the deputy’s training and whether she is able to quickly discern that the man has a serious mental illness. Perhaps, if she is lucky, she has crisis intervention team training. She successfully deescalates the situation as she calls for backup. But what happens next? Does the man get the help he needs, or is the same scene destined to play out again in the coming weeks? And if law enforcement needs to respond to this man again, will the situation be resolved as well as it was before? In response to the mental health crisis taxing communities of man hours and millions of dollars, the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) will soon launch a system called MIRACLE™: Mental Illness Response Alternatives Center for Law Enforcement. The system will enable first responders to not only better handle the immediate concerns of ensuring community safety when encountering a person with serious mental illness, but also to focus on long-term solutions. Read more in Rob Weinhold’s recent article published in Sheriff & Deputy Magazine via the National Sheriff’s Association or visit to learn more and support this important new initiative.
Top Tips to Improve Your Instagram Marketing

By Patrick Seidl Since first launching in October 2010, Instagram has grown into the sixth-largest social media platform, having reached 1 billion active monthly users just last year. The home of visual content (photos and videos) surrounding fashion, food and lifestyle content, Instagram is an increasingly valuable social media platform for businesses and nonprofits alike to increase awareness and drive results. HubSpot recently released a thorough report encompassing what companies need to know to make informed decisions about their Instagram marketing moving forward in 2019. Here are a few top tips to help improve your IG marketing: Focus on Engaged Followers over Total Followers – Gone are the days when increasing a company’s total followers is the main goal. Today, it’s all about connecting with the right audiences and posting content that compels them to engage through likes, comments, etc. Why? Thanks to Instagram’s new algorithm, only 10% of your followers see your post organically in their feeds. What the algorithm also does is predict what type of content users like to see – meaning, if they’ve interacted with your posts in the past, they’re more likely to see them in their feeds moving forward. So, what type of content performs best? Similar to Facebook, video content is king – and, on average, receives the highest number of engagements. Provide your followers with multiple video updates per week. Content could include behind the scenes looks at your team preparing for an upcoming event or a short video of a team member discussing what projects they’re working on. Incorporate Hashtags – Simply put, hashtags are searchable keywords included in IG posts and stories that categorize content across the platform. And, when it comes to hashtags, it’s not about quantity, but relevance. How do you know what hashtags to use? A great place to start is by typing a keyword that’s relevant to your brand into IG’s search bar (or “Explore” feature) then select the “tags” tab. What shows up is a list of all the hashtags with your keyword, as well as the number of posts that use it. Begin incorporating the top-used #’s into your posts and measure your results. Tag Key Partners – Is your business planning an event where you’re collaborating with others? Be sure to tag their company profiles in your posts as well as your stories. When a company is tagged, they receive an instant notification which greatly improves their chances of interacting with your post. Another tip? If you tag them in your story, they also have the option to share your post to their own story, thus increasing your brand’s exposure. The same idea can be applied to a local nonprofit. Tag your business supporters in your sponsorship or partnership thank you posts. More often than not, they’ll engage! I get it. Keeping up with social media can be an extreme challenge – especially when it seems like every other day there’s a new platform popping up and vying for your customers’ attention. But, with Facebook’s purchase of Instagram in 2012, and their steady roll-out of new features, I don’t suspect the platform going anywhere soon. If your company needs help with your social media marketing, get in touch with us at Fallston Group today.
The Current 5 Crises to Prep for…?

Each year, the Institute for Crisis Management publishes The ICM Annual Crisis Report – a valuable tool compiling annual news, crises analysis and trends, industry assessment and lessons on crisis prevention. The 2018 data, released this year, included five noteworthy crisis categories; some indicate a growing area of concern. If your company isn’t prepared for these types of crises, we encourage you to take note and, more importantly, take action! Mismanagement. As is most often the case, mismanagement once again topped the list as the most frequently reported crisis. With smoldering crises accounting for 65% of the incidents ICM analyzed, this tells us that leadership is aware of potential issues (or the cause of them!)…but are not adequately addressing leadership issues in a timely fashion. Cyber. Cybercrime news increased by 65% over 2017 – yet another reminder to ensure you have the proper cyber policies in place…and, consider investing in cyber insurance! Sexual Harassment. This past year, #metoo and #timesup dominated headlines. Therefore, it’s no surprise to see sexual harassment and assault incidents increaseing to nearly 10% of all crisis news. Are YOUR company’s employees protected from predators? Executive Dismissals. While still a comparatively small category, 2018 saw the most executive dismissals in the past decade. Widely-known executives who stepped down for inappropriate behavior include Papa John’s founder John Schnatter and Intel CEO Brian Krzanich; those fired for sexual misconduct include CBS’ Les Moonves and Disney’s chief creative officer John Lassiter. Labor Disputes. 2018 was “the biggest year for worker protest in decades” due to teacher strikes across the U.S. Internationally, Brazil experienced a trucker strike that impacted shipments of $1.2 billion, and western European travel experienced a significant disruption due to French rail workers walking off the job. While the digital age makes it possible for crisis to strike within seconds, ICM also reports the number of organizations with a crisis management/crisis communications plan is only at 50% worldwide. Believe us, anyone with a smart phone can wreak havoc on your brand! As you’ll often hear us say, it’s not “if” crisis will strike – it’s “when.” Learn more about our Crisis & Issue Leadership services or contact us today.
Three Life Lessons Learned from Rodney the Rabbit

Guest blog authored by Gina Brelesky. This past year, I co-authored a children’s book about resiliency called “Rodney Makes a Friend.” The book features Rodney the Rabbit – a shy rabbit who learns how to overcome the challenge of making new friends. Since the book’s release, I have learned so much from parents and teachers! It has been great to hear from educators and care givers about how they are using Rodney to teach children social intelligence skills. As I listen to their experiences, I’m reminded that we can ALL benefit from the life lessons Rodney shares…here are my top three takeaways I invite you to keep in mind and share with both the adults and children in your life. Lesson 1: The Golden Rule of Friendship reminds us to treat others the way THEY want to be treated vs the traditional saying to treat others as WE want to be treated. Dr. Janet Little shared with me how she and her son, Payton, read the book over several nights. Payton loved the deliberate pauses built into the story and was able to make connections from the story to his own life. His mom shared, “My son and I read this book together. It’s a great fable about teaching kids and adults alike to never give up. My son learned about the “Golden Rule” to treat others like they want to be treated and has been able to apply that in his everyday life. This book has so many insights on keeping a growth mindset, an important lesson to learn when you are young and a great reminder for us all.” Lesson 2: We need to remember to take other’s perspectives into consideration. When we teach children the Golden Rule of Friendship, treating others the way they want to be treated, we are teaching them perspective taking. Being able to take the perspective of another is an essential life skill which supports the building of social/emotional intelligence and resiliency. Perspective taking will serve children now as they navigate all that makes up childhood and, in the future, as they enter the muddy waters of teenage-hood and ultimately adulthood. Lesson 3: It’s never too early or too late to improve our social and emotional intelligence. I must admit I was really excited to learn that fourth grade teachers could use “Rodney Makes a Friend” as part of their social and emotional health curriculum! Mrs. James sent me this after her class read the book together, “My fourth graders loved this book! It was a perfect read for them at this age. There are wonderful talking points which led to some great conversations!” For many children, fourth grade signifies the end of elementary school, which means navigating a new middle school and making new friends. The more teachers, parents and caregivers can talk with kids about the things that make them nervous and practice with them these social skills, the more confident and comfortable children will become when faced with the actual situation. As adults, we can continue to apply social intelligence skills as we begin new jobs, interact with new clients, attend business networking events, and more. Thank you all for supporting “Rodney Makes a Friend” getting into the little hands that will benefit from reading it! After all, shouldn’t our goal be to raise socially intelligent and resilient kids? I sure hope so! And, let’s not forget to apply these lessons to our own lives. To learn more, visit _____________________________________________________________________________ Gina Brelesky is an author, international trainer, talent coach and corporate educator with more than 25 years of extensive experience in training diverse groups of people in both hard and soft skills. Gina’s purpose is to support individuals, leaders, and teams to develop a growth mindset and achieve success. Through a strong partnership with her clients, Gina gains insight into their unique business culture, learns their perspective on success, and guides them through a process for achieving their goals. Gina is passionate about supporting people in building the skills and self-awareness they need to grow towards their full potential. She believes that as individuals progress along this journey of growth and awareness, they provide progressively greater levels of value to their teams and companies. Gina holds a Master’s degrees in Public Administration and Education. She has a Certificate of Advanced Study in Resilient Leadership and is DDI and DiSC certified. Gina is a trained coach through the Neuroleadership Institute in Brain-Based Coaching.
When to Begin Brand Building

I recently traveled to London for an early vacation. Amongst my adventures, I visited the beautiful town of Windsor, where Prince Harry and Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle reside. As sheer luck would have it, the day I explored Windsor is the same day baby Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor (what a mouthful!) was born. News crews lined every street, and the pubs filled with excited citizens yearning for the reveal of baby Archie on TV. Two days later, Meghan (postpartum in a white dress and heels – bless her) and Harry proudly showed off baby Archie on live TV. As Twitter flooded with reactions, I couldn’t help but think, “Wow, this baby’s brand literally began at birth.” As part of the British Royal Family, he will always have to be “on” – and can expect to be in the news on a regular basis. The same principle applies to business. As a new company is born, so is its brand. A first impression can last for many years to come, so it is important to develop effective, ongoing branding goals, strategies and tactics along the way. What does brand construction entail? After establishing your brand goals, there are multiple building blocks to reach them, including: Establishing a digital presence through social media and your website Creating community partnerships and customers Sharing positive news about your business with the media All of these efforts create initial deposits into your reputational piggy bank. But, what do you do if your brand is stagnant? Or, even worse, your reputation has been damaged? Even mature businesses can experience a re-birth – you can re-build and positively change your brand’s image in the court of public opinion. Whether you’re starting a new business or need a refresh, Fallston Group can help. Learn more about our strategic marketing & PR plans, media training and crisis leadership by exploring our website, or give me a call at 410-420-2001.
Four Social Media Trends to Watch & Adopt in 2019

By Patrick Seidl Each year, Hootsuite releases an annual report on the global trends in social media. Their latest edition incorporates feedback from 3,255 of its customers (from large enterprises to small agencies), interviews with industry analysts and exhaustive research that helps businesses and organizations frame their social media activity and alignment toward achieving key business goals. Here are four of the key social media trends Hootsuite identifies for brands to watch and adopt in 2019: Rebuilding Trust – Social crises in 2018 have diminished the public’s trust; 60% of people no longer trust social media companies and front-runners like Facebook have witnessed a shocking 66% drop in consumers’ trust. According to the report, trust on social media has reverted back to immediate friends, family members and acquaintances on social media. The takeaway? It’s important to leverage your brand’s PEOPLE to help establish trust in your brand. If you’re not humanizing your business by promoting your staff and leaders, now is the time to start. Pro tip: Consider hosting a Facebook Live event where you can position your brand’s experts in front of your followers to answer questions and talk about future endeavors. Storifying Social – Stories across all social platforms (Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram) are growing 15 times faster than feed-based sharing. According to Hootsuite, brands can no longer rely on page updates to connect with your followers; it’s imperative to incorporate stories into your social media strategy. Relatively new to the story market is Facebook; currently only 9% of brands surveyed post stories to the platform. Pro tip: If you’re not utilizing Facebook stories, now is the time to start – the company continues to push the feature and adopting early can get you ahead of the curve in terms of reach/engagement. Pro tip #2: less polished, organic and “in the moment” stories perform better than produced ones. Closing the Ads Gap – It’s no secret that platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become increasingly more “pay to play” – meaning if you want to connect with your audience, you need to incorporate paid ads and boosts into your social media strategy. This is evidenced in the death of organic reach, especially across Facebook. Did you know the average organic reach on Facebook today is roughly 6.4% in terms of page reach vs. page likes? But, what about smaller brands that don’t have the budget to put dollars behind each and every post? Pro tip: Hootsuite recommends taking organic content that breaks the 6.4% barrier and begin boosting those posts first. It’s important to test, test, test! Messaging Eats the World – Hootsuite’s study found that users are spending more time on messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook messenger and less time sharing personal updates on social media. This is important to consider because the study also found 9/10 consumers would like to use messaging to communicate with businesses. In fact, messaging on social media is the single most preferred channel for customer service. So long, emails and phone calls! Pro tip: if you’re not replying to your brand’s messages on social media, now is the time to start and the key is to be PROMPT. Nothing’s worse than receiving an answer to your question a week after it was initially asked, am I right? If you need help with your social media marketing and adaptation of best-practices to build your brand and move your business needle, give us a call at Fallston Group today at 410.420.2001. You may also drop us a line HERE. We look forward to hearing from you!
Four Simple Steps Tiger Took to Rebuild His Rep

When initially hearing about Tiger Woods’ major life and addiction struggles in 2009, winning a Masters green jacket a decade later was far from realistic, in everyone’s mind. In fact, Woods said at the time he would be taking an ‘indefinite break’ from golf. How did Woods achieve one of the most talked-about come-back stories? How did he regain public and corporate support while effectively nurturing a positive reputation? It wasn’t easy – but through guided steps in taking responsibility and implementing affirmative life changes, Woods was able to, again, win the Masters. Woods’ troubles began in November 2009, driving into a fire hydrant while under the influence. Sponsors such as Gatorade and AT&T immediately dropped the golfing legend due to his misbehavior off the green. Following his poor choices, he then tore his Achilles and didn’t play a full tournament until December 2016 at the Hero World Challenge. Woods’ first step towards his eventual 2019 green jacket was apologizing to fellow players and the public via US Weekly for his embarrassing decisions – step one: recognition and public apology. Through apologizing and announcing his remorse for his wrong-doings, it allowed the public to see he acknowledged his actions, and that he recognized was a dramatic need for change. Regardless of a company’s or individual’s position in the spotlight, mistakes do happen, bad choices are made and apologies can be accepted – as long as the person is truly remorseful and doesn’t repeat the bad behavior. Step two: taking action. As we all heard when we were young, actions speak louder than words. Woods apologized, and immediately completed a rehabilitation program which prompted the progress toward becoming the pro golfer we all love. This allowed fans to applaud Woods changing his moral outlook, correcting his mistakes and creating movement toward positive change. Step three: patience and persistence. Woods did not walk out of rehab and play his best 18 rounds of golf – it took time, a long time. Tiger Woods began playing in tournaments and losing – everyone thought he was finished. Effectively laying low, apologizing publicly, making efforts towards positive and sincere change and absorbing the heat of playing bad golf all enabled his eventual rebirth – adversity is advantage. This low point allowed Woods time for regrouping and confidence building as a private person and professional golfer. Step four: learn from mistakes. Woods is now coming off of his best week of golf – winning the 2019 Masters. He used his struggles as a building block in his career. He publicly discussed his come-back story and lessons learned. This created a sense of comfort and trust for fans and sponsors. Crisis isn’t easy – but if handled correctly, can be an opportunity for long-term, sustainable growth. There is no question, Tiger’s 2019 green jacket symbolized more than simply winning the Masters.
The Lost Art of Storytelling

Earlier this week someone told me, “Andrea, at times you’re quiet, but when you speak, it’s always a story.” Unbeknownst to them, that was a huge compliment, because at Fallston Group, telling our clients’ stories is part of what we do each and every day. When it comes to public relations and content writing, storytelling is truly an art – and in recent years, I’ve witnessed it fading. Ironically, my colleague sent me a sponsored LinkedIn post earlier this week, noting, “this isn’t how it works…” The opener was: GET MORE CLIENTS! Build credibility, authority & stand out from the competition… We guarantee that your story (custom-written by us) will appear on 300+ media websites across the United States. You’ll be able to legally use all their logos on your website and in your marketing in just a few days! Out of respect for the company, I won’t share the actual post, but my first gut reaction was, “Gross! How incredibly misleading!” Anyone with a computer can type up an article, and anyone willing to spend the money can capitalize on a variety of new “pay to play” media opportunities. Here’s the problem – it’s not storytelling/earned media – it’s paid ADVERTISING. To truly build reputational equity, you must go beyond paid media…and, work harder than simply distributing a press release. The real art in storytelling involves building meaningful relationships with news outlets, pitching a story, securing print, radio or TV interviews, and (every PR storyteller’s dream) in the best of scenarios securing a significant feature in a publication that is targeted and important to a client. This is news which can also be repurposed and shared across many digital platforms. Fallston Group is not a typical PR firm! I say with full confidence that we work to secure meaningful and scalable stories for clients. What is “meaningful” varies by company and what their unique goals happen to be. Some may only raise the awareness they need via a story in the local news – others need international coverage to make an impact and move the business needle. I am proud to pitch our clients’ stories, because they have news to share that truly makes a difference for their customers…and if something isn’t newsworthy, we have an honest conversation about it while continuing to farm within the “good news factory” we’ve established. If you’d like to discuss storytelling for your company, feel free to email me at, call 410.420.2001 or visit our website. Remember our mantra – “If you don’t tell your story, someone else will. And, if someone else tells your story, it certainly won’t be the story you want told.” Rings true for us every day!
The Lasting Effects of Shots Fired

By Leah Fertig Active and mass shooting events have been filling our news feeds recently both nationally, such as the New Zealand shooting at two mosques on March 15, and locally, including the most recent school shooting at Frederick Douglas High School in Baltimore, MD on February 8. According to published crime statistics, there were 340 mass shooting incidents in our nation last year; a total of 373 people were killed and 1,347 were injured. One would like to think that once the shock of the tragedy is over and loved ones are laid to rest or those injured are released from hospitals that the effects of mass shootings end there. Sadly, that’s not the case; there are long-lasting, negative emotional effects that continue for weeks, months and lifetimes. When it comes to mass shootings, it’s important to realize it’s not only those directly connected to a tragedy who feel the long-lasting effects. For example, the Frederick Douglas High School shooting in Baltimore did not only affect the victim who was injured, but also the entire student body and the institution’s staff, faculty and administrators. Trauma comes in many forms and is unique to each individual and how they, and their families, cope. The National Center for PTSD explains there are four phases following mass violence: Impact, Rescue, Recovery and Reconstruction (Long-Term). They state, “While the majority of affected individuals will see a lessening of distress over time in the long-term phase, vulnerable populations such as those with injury, severe disaster exposure or ongoing adversities, may continue to suffer for years after a large-scale disaster or mass violence event.” This March, we lost 3 lives to suicide that were all connected to school massacres and post-traumatic stress. Some may wear their pain on their sleeves while others may bottle it up and outwardly project that they’re not struggling inside – a struggle that has the potential to evolve into a future tragedy. There seems to be no limit to the location in which an active-shooter tragedy can occur; they happen in places we should feel the safest, such as places of worship, malls, movie theaters, concerts and schools. It is imperative for businesses and institutions to understand that although not all crises can be prevented, you can certainly prepare for those worst-case scenarios, such as an active shooter. Have you done all you can to protect your people, secure your assets and strengthen your brand? Call or email today to start building the organizational muscle memory you need to give employees the tools and confidence to survive a very high stress, sudden and volatile event. There is no question, lockdowns save lives; you must be prepared as the first order of leadership is to provide a safe place to live, work and raise a family.