Water Crisis Leaves Citizens, Officials Divided

Flint, MI: Dangerous levels of lead have contaminated the city’s tap water for almost two years. People are calling for officials to be held accountable, including Governor Rick Snyder.
Chipotle Closes Doors for One-Day Food Safety Meeting

Chipotle will close its doors February 8th for a one-day national food safety meeting.
Is It Too Late for Chipotle to Become An “Industry Leader” in Food Safety?

Chipotle responds to E. coli outbreak; claims it will become a “leader in food safety.”
During Time of Crisis, World’s Most Powerful Mobilize for Common Cause

Despite the horrific devastation we all witnessed two weeks ago, it’s encouraging to see some of the world’s most powerful leaders affirmatively put their differences aside for a common cause.
Data Breach: Not “If,” But “When”

Imagine everything from cell phones, automobiles and even coffee makers having network connectivity. Find out what can be done to help companies minimize data breach risk.
Spiritual Leadership with Chaplain Joe Hart

In the 10th installment of Fallston Group’s 15-Minute Leadership Quick Hit, Rob Weinhold speaks with Chaplain Joe Hart, Director of Spiritual Support Services at GBMC and Executive Director of GBMC’s Center for Spiritual Support Training. Tune into this moving discussion and find out why Joe thinks the ability to understand the human condition is so critical to spiritual and other leaders, alike. Joe Hart Chaplain Hart oversees the spiritual and emotional needs of GBMC’s patients, families and staff. A board-certified chaplain, he earned a bachelor’s degree in gerontology and health care from Salisbury University; and a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology, and master’s of divinity from St. Mary’s Seminary and University. He continued his studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago in church interior design consultation, and most recently studied mind body medicine at Harvard Divinity school. Prior to joining GBMC, Chaplain Hart served in various ministerial capacities throughout the Baltimore Metropolitan area, working in various healthcare and teaching ministries. Chaplain Hart is a clinical supervisor at Loyola University Maryland in the MA, MS and Ph.D. programs. He is a consultant and adviser at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the Clinical Pastoral Education Program. He serves as a member of the Mid-Atlantic Region Ethics Committee for Genesis Elder Care and is a trustee of the Institute for Christian and Jewish studies. He is a clinical supervisor with the Wesley United Methodist Seminary in Washington, D,C, with students in the process toward ordination. He supervises candidates for the permanent diaconate for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore and candidates for ordination for the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. Chaplain Hart serves on the board of the Williams S. Baer School Partnership for children with special needs.
6 Safety Tips for Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween

Along with the tricks, treats, ghouls and goblins, come spooky Halloween safety hazards that cannot be ignored. To stay safe this Halloween, implement a simple security plan, and keep in mind these 6 tips when trick-or-treating.
Volkswagen’s Scandal Demands Transparency, Quickly

Dieselgate shows no signs of abating. How Volkswagen reacts in the coming days and weeks will surely determine its fate going forward.
Crisis Leadership: National Preparedness Month

“For 42 years, I’ve been making small regular deposits in this bank of experience, education and training. And on Jan. 15, the balance was sufficient so that I could make a very large withdrawal.”
Community Leadership with Celia Neustadt

In the 9th installment of Fallston Group’s 15-Minute Leadership Quick Hit, we are joined by Celia Neustadt, Executive Director of The Inner Harbor Project, a Baltimore-based youth-led effort to improve community relations and determine solutions to social issues that divide our society. Celia Neustadt Like many of The Inner Harbor Project’s youth leaders, Celia attended Baltimore City College high school. Growing up in Baltimore City, she was exposed to urban disparities at a young age. Celia attended Pomona College in Southern California and received a bachelor’s degree in sociology with a focus on community-led research and public spaces. She assisted on community-led research projects in Ontario, Canada and served as a research assistant at The Johns Hopkins University, where she contributed to public health research which has been used to advocate for more comprehensive health services for poorer Baltimoreans. Celia launched The Inner Harbor Project after winning a grant from the Napier Foundation in 2012. Since its launch, The Inner Harbor Project has employed 40 teenagers who have conducted more than 50 focus groups with stakeholders in the Inner. In 2014, IHP announced five initiatives based on its research and began its formal partnerships with the Baltimore Police Department, the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, and the Downtown Partnership of Baltimore. Motivated by a lifelong love of Baltimore City and a belief in the power of youth to change their own circumstances, Celia considers herself the facilitator of this project, bridging the gap between disenfranchised young people and the urban powers-that-be to build a more peaceful, inclusive city. About The Inner Harbor Project The Inner Harbor Project is a model for social change that identifies teenagers who are leaders among their peers, equips them with research and professional skills, and organizes them to come up with solutions to issues that divide our society on the basis of race, class and culture. The Inner Harbor Project focuses on public space because it is the place where different social needs compete and where we can pioneer effective approaches to harmonious coexistence.