Fallston Group

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations
Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

5 Quick Tips for Building Media Lists

Though gaining media coverage may sound like a daunting task, technology has simplified the process and opened up the doors of opportunity.  Through public relations software, such as Vocus, gaining media coverage is as simple as building a quality list. With 1.4 million journalists, bloggers, and influencers on Vocus, it is important to strategize while designing your media distribution lists.


1)      Identify Target Outlet

“Fishing in a stocked pond is easier than fishing in the ocean.” Determine your overall goal and who you hope to reach. Then determine where those people are looking for information.

2)      Filter Unwanted Targets

Determine which writers and editors will be interested in your story by looking at their history. Determine if your story appeals to their interests and their mission. Your media list should be more than a list of reporters; it should be a list of relationship opportunities.

3)      Online Publication Extends Story Life

While traditional media is still an excellent way to reach the public, distributing news online will extend the life of your story. An article online will syndicate online for much longer than a blurb on television news.

4)      Track Industry Coverage

Track clips to determine which writers/services cover you or your competitors. Not only will this give insight to your competitors, but will help you to narrow down your media list to reporters who are interested in or cover similar news.

5)      Don’t Ignore Small Publications

Design your media list with reach and frequency in mind. If a publication is not widely circulated, it may still be highly targeted to your market, therefore highly beneficial to you.

For more information regarding strategic communications and media, do not hesitate to contact the Fallston Group at 410.420.2001 or by email at info@fallstongroup.com.

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