Fallston Group

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations
Fallston Group | 8 Qualities All Crisis Leaders Share

8 Qualities All Crisis Leaders Share

Welcome to 2021! When designating or hiring an employee to be your business’ crisis leader, the task might seem daunting. There is a lot at stake when designing a crisis management plan, including your employee’s well-being, your assets and your reputation.

When selecting a crisis manager, consider one that shares these 8 characteristics:

  1. Problem-solver – A great crisis leader needs to be able to adapt under many different circumstances. They should understand multiple approaches to a problem and know how to select the ideal fit for your business.
  2. Proactive – Being realistic about the possibility of a crisis occurring defines a great crisis manager. Select a candidate who can look past the improbable and into the possible.
  3. Calm and positive – Finding a candidate who can remain relaxed under pressure can help to fill the burden of a crisis. Select a crisis manager who can keep their eye on the goal, and who will help your business to conquer crisis and rebuild after.
  4. Confident – Simply, a leader who is confident maintains control. Employees will follow a manager who knows what they are doing and will support that manager in times of crisis. Pick a crisis manager who will take charge and communicate with authority, even when there are few answers to give.
  5. Decisive – A crisis leader must take authority over a situation and confront the issue head-on. The ability to make decisions that take into account the well-being of employees, stakeholders and the business is necessary.
  6. Personable – A crisis manager must be able to host a constant discussion with employees, other management, key stakeholders and customers to continuously improve and design a quality comprehensive crisis plan. A manager needs to inspire other employees to care about crisis management and effectively communicate procedures and protocols.
  7. Team-oriented – A crisis leader needs to have a healthy relationship with all strategic players to develop a plan that relates to the business as a whole. Because crises often occur without any pretense, it is important for each business segment/employee to be prepared.
  8. Represents the best of your business – Designate a leader who has a full understanding of your business and its risks. When questions are being asked, they will be required to represent your business and respond in a knowledgeable and reliable manner. Pick an employee who you can trust will represent the best your business has to offer.

For more information regarding crisis management, do not hesitate to contact the Fallston Group at 410.420.2001 or by email at info@fallstongroup.com.

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