While many businesses may not want to admit that they are dealing with a crisis, even fewer take proactive steps to prevent one. The reputation of your company, as we always say, is one of your business’s top priorities. Taking a proactive approach will keep your company ready if a crisis were to occur. Here are nine things to keep in mind while developing your crisis communications plan:
1) Monitor
Keep a watchful eye on the press and social media. Being up-to-date on your business, the press, and the public’s opinion will give you time to react before a situation rapidly unfolds.
2) Anticipate Problems
Understand that your business is not invincible and that problems arise in every business and every industry. Turbulence still arises, even in clear blue skies.
3) Key Stakeholders
Have a prepared list of key stakeholders that you will need to address in the result of a crisis. Knowing who needs to be contacted and why they need to be can help to save your reputation and potentially open doors to assistance and advice.
4) Notification System
Develop a strategy to notify employees and key stakeholders in the result of crisis. Consider phone, email, or text systems that will alert your employees and keep them up-to-date as the crisis unravels.
5) Establish a System
Build a crisis communications team that will be responsible to act before, during and after a crisis arises. Pick a team of skilled, highly-trusted employees who will maintain their composure and react in the proper manner at the appropriate time.
6) Spokesperson
Appoint a designated spokesperson who will be “the voice” of your company. Educate and train them on media procedures and etiquette, as well as how the company has or plans to handle crises.
7) Employee Training
Ensure that all of your employees are trained in emergency plans and protocols. This will help prevent incidents from occurring and help to not only save their careers and business, but their lives.
8) Statement
Have a statement prepared in advance that illustrates your business’s action plan. A well-developed statement that demonstrates your business has control of a situation will reflect highly on your reputation.
9) Expect Excellence
Trust that your team will react in a manner that will demonstrate the credibility of your business. At the end of the day, you are responsible for the people that work on your team and building a strong relationship with your employees can greatly impact how a situation is handled.
For more information regarding crisis management and crisis communications, do not hesitate to contact the Fallston Group at 410.420.2001 or by email at info@fallstongroup.com.