Fallston Group

Marilyn Mosby is “All In”

Marilyn Mosby is “All In”

When Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby decided to charge six Baltimore Police Officers as a result of her independent Freddie Gray investigation (amid tremendous public pressure), it sent shock waves through the region generally and police departments specifically. This unprecedented and decisive move, both praised and questioned by many, thrust Mosby, a newly elected chief prosecutor, into the international spotlight within hours. In reputational terms, Mrs. Mosby is “all in.” By many accounts, Mrs. Mosby is a very competent attorney, but as the evidentiary cards are turned over in the weeks and months to come, we will all see if Mrs. Mosby’s swift action against these officers will propel her career or force her to wait for another game. One thing is certain, this is not a game; a mother has lost a child, officers’ careers are torn apart, all families are grieving and Baltimore must find a way to break the cycle.

Image by NPR

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