Fallston Group

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations
Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

Three Tips for Controlling Your Story in the Media

As an unfavorable story starts to gain attention in the media, executives often find themselves in uncharted territory looking for direction. Knowing your course of action can be the make or break moment for your business when an incident occurs. Here are the three best tips for maintaining control of the situation in the media:


1) Know Your Message

Take time to analyze the situation and develop a distinctive stance in response to questions. Fully understand the situation before rushing to make a statement. The stance should relate to your company’s core values, and should display your control of the situation. You are the most credible person in your business; failing to provide correct information will impact your company and your professional reputation.


2) Be Responsive to Media Inquiries

Leaving questions unanswered will usually have a negative effect on your company, giving space for rumors to spread. Taking ownership of the situation and letting the media know what occurred and how it is being handled will greatly impact the credibility of your business. Telling your story will illustrate control of the situation, ultimately protecting your company from negative reputational damage.


3) Strongly Consider a Proactive Public Relations Campaign

Do not be one of the many companies that assumes a problem will fade away. Consider launching a public relations campaign to reassure the public that your company is taking corrective action and that they are conscious of their impact on the community. Consider BP’s campaign after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill incident in the Gulf of Mexico.  Three years later, BP’s television campaigns still revolve around their efforts to rejuvenate and better the environment.


For more information on strategic communication or crisis management, do not hesitate to contact the Fallston Group at 410.420.2001 or by email at info@fallstongroup.com.

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