Fallston Group

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

San Diego Mayor Should Step Down

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner should resign; he should take some time to solely focus on his personal issues. After Filner works on himself, if he wishes to seek office in the future, the people will then decide if he is fit for duty.

College Athletics…Social Media…Crisis Communications

We are all familiar with major news stories involving student athletics which brought their campuses to crisis. Recent stories include: Arkansas football coach Bobby Petrino crashing his motorcycle while riding with his girlfriend; The murder of University of Virginia lacrosse player Courtney Love by her boyfriend and men’s lacrosse player George Hughley; The child abuse […]

Mid-Air Crisis Turns to Rock-Solid Advantage

Adversity as serious as a hole in the roof of a jetliner at 30,000 feet can still turn to advantage with the right crisis planning and response. Southwest Airlines has come through that potentially deadly and damaging event with flying colors. The hole tore through the roof of a Southwest 737-300 as it cruised above […]

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