Fallston Group

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

Resilient Leadership: BP and its Fallen Leader

Photo May 04, 8 13 11 AM

A Perspective about BP and its Fallen Leader by Rob Weinhold When we learned of the Gulf oil explosion in April 2010, the loss of life coupled with the hourly projections about environmental fallout was disturbing enough. However, to learn that BP had no real crisis plan or immediate solution to deal with this type […]

Media Relations 101

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

It is imperative that executives and professionals maintain the ability to represent their brand appropriately in the court of public opinion and in front of their key stakeholder bases. When interacting with the media, act as the expert on your subject matter, be clear and concise, be passionate, stay focused, routinely connect every response back to your core message, and anticipate audience reactions.

3 Things Every Business Needs When Disaster Strikes

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

It’s up to company leaders to prepare employees and infrastructure for any and every kind of disaster or emergency situation, from natural disasters such as flooding or tornadoes to man-made situations like security threats. Once the safety of your employees is ensured, the next step is to determine how to keep your business afloat.

The Social Media Opportunity

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

Utilizing Facebook as a public relations outlet during a time of crisis can improve the overall image and public opinion of the organization in crisis.

In Remembering 9/11…

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

The devastating attacks of 9/11 are a moment in time that every American will always remember. The Fallston Group joins America in remembering and honoring the innocent lives taken from us that day, the brave souls of rescuers and responders, and the courageous men and women who continue to protect our nation from outside threat. Although we can only plan for so much, it is important that business owners recognize the possibility of crisis at any moment. The Fallston Group offers the following steps in building and implementing your workplace violence policies.

Engage Your Social Media Channels During a Crisis

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

Crisis is an inevitable part of business. However, it’s how your company handles an issue that is the most telling. Social media can ultimately be the deal breaker when it comes to your organization’s ability to effectively communicate to your stakeholders during a time of adversity. Keeping an open, honest line of communication is critical whether you are keeping your stakeholders safe, informing them of an incident, or apologizing for a mistake.

National Preparedness Month

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

September marks National Preparedness Month. With hurricane season halfway through and winter just around the corner, there is no better time to prepare yourself, family and workplace for emergencies and disasters. Emergencies and disasters can be unexpected and devastating. That is why preparation is imperative. At the Fallston Group, we believe the more prepared you are, the better you respond and quicker you recover from such situations.

Sexual Harassment: Reducing Risk

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

In order to avoid the severe consequences of sexual harassment reports, prevent legal exposure, and protect managers and subordinates, the Fallston Group offers employers suggestions for reducing risk of sexual harassment in the workplace.

School and University Safety

Building Strengthening & Defending reputations

“Providing a safe place to live, work, and raise a family is the first order of leadership,” says Rob Weinhold, Principal of the Fallston Group. Students work and sometimes live at school; therefore, school leaders must keep student safety as their first priority. A social media crisis management plan is one way that school and university leaders implement to help promote the safety of their students.

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